Small Changes, Big Impact

Frederick Osei Manu
1 min readFeb 29, 2024
Photo by Boston Public Library on Unsplash

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean

We all need to make changes?

Change is about making reasonable adjustments for better and excellent outcomes.

Some changes are more difficult than others.

Life commands or better still demands that at some point we must make a change for beautiful end result.

Some get scared about change, so they stay in their comfort zone.

Change can be risky but necessary for progress.

Just like a ship is turned around by a little rudder, so can life be turned around by a little change.

For instance, you live in a city where rush hour is part of the daily routine of going to work.

Do you know leaving an hour earlier than the rush hour can save you time and energy. It will help you not to be stressed but make you more comfortable and relaxed.

This principle is applicable in any given situation.

Therefore, every little step, every little change leads to something significant with time.

Hence start today making that little change.

End Note

44 Inspirational Quotes About Change That Will Help You Think Differently

